AMEN - A MEN 2 MEN Film!
The Poster says: Life does not chose your parents or sexuality! And then, boldly the title AMEN. Guess what the title has to do with the film that is about 2 Gay Men. Well the explanation goes thus: God created Man and said AMEN. So, God created himself in a human form. And we say, God is within us. So a Man is within a Man! And that we reflect ourselves on the Mirror!
Well.. this explanation is definitely one's imagination and not justified in the film.
While I mentioned its MEN 2 MEN film, its because the film is about these 2 MEN (Jitin Gulati and Karan Mehra) and directed by 2 MEN (Ranadeep Bhattacharya and Judajit Bagchi).
Now let me get on to the plot.
Meet Andy (Jitin) - A Handsome 'Man' who is all set to get committed (married) and before doing so, wants to experience sex. But does not want to indulge in pre-marital sex, does not want to go to a sex worker, instead knocks the door of another Man whom he hooked up for Sex.
Meet Harry (Karan) - Another Handsome 'Man' who is a Gay. He is all excited when the hook up Andy walks in to his residence. All alone and sexcited to get into the act.
Andy and Harry without wasting time, get undressed and get into the act. But... there lies the hitch! A dramatic twist takes place and Andy gets frustrated. How the two of them interact with their past forms the rest of this bold short film!
The film hits you like a shot in the heart. The way the duo directors have got the duo actors to perform is to be appreciated. The duo equally compliment each other with their 'Body' Language as well. They both were indeed 'Men' for each other! While Karan is more on a softer side, its Jitin whose performance registers! The three other Plus point of the film is: Excellent Cinematography, Good Background score and the Perfect Location that of a Furnished Artistic House.
Hatts off to Harish to have made this project and the back up he got from his friends. He definitely needs a Thumbs up and pat on his back! A Gay to go! (oops, Way to go)
And I end this review with a prayer that - the film do wonders in festivals abroad and win the team an award too. AMEN!
Sundeep Malani
Film Critic
I really enjoyed watching 'Amen'. The location was stunning, quite a few times my eyes wandered off from the leading pair (who by the way, are perfect eye candies!) to check out the beautiful room with the nicely decorated walls. The movie sends out the strong message that I believe to the core - one cannot choose to be straight or gay. Wishing all the best to the 'Amen' team, this movie definitely deserves to be seen by a wider audience.