I AM so excited to write a Review about
I AM. But, someone is stopping me from writing it. Do I listen to him? Or do I write? Well, I think I should listen to him and not write the review now. Well, the person who is stopping me to write the review is MYSELF. The Inner self. My conscious. My heart is not permitting me to write.
Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin.... Why? Because, although I am greedy enough to share the review first - the good soul inside me, says: Have patience. You have seen it. Its not only Your Film. Its EVERYONE's film. It reminded me of the entire crew (Anticlock Films), it reminded me of the Critics who have watched so far, it reminded me of the near and dear ones of Onir who have watched and above all - It reminded me of Almost the Audience (YOU) who have invested in the film.
Well, you have waited so far. So wait for a few more days as I AM will be released shortly. And I do believe, this film will be the only film that should be watched directly and NOT by going through a review/critic. Everyone has a Right to Write Praises about this film!
To give you some information about the film.
Let me Clarify here: This is NOT a Review. But a PREVIEW.
I happened to see the film on Friday Night at a Preview Theater with Onir, Juhi Chawla, Abhimanyu Singh and Akhil Chaudhary (the assistant director). Besides the other guests included Harish Iyer (on whom the film Abhimanyu is based), Vivek Vaswani, Juhi's mom and Abhimanyu's family and a few of Onir's friends - as we were all there for a support. A support for good films and Onir always delivers - subjects that one can always treasure as Bests of Bests.
And, here he has delivered
Afia, Megha, Abhimanyu and
Omar (although I happened to see a premature baby as the film has some work to be completed - as in the titles and a few post production work, before the First Copy is out and yet to be Censored for the ticket audience to watch) - The film is PROMISING!
The film starts with a Bong and ends with a Bong (Of course, its also made by a Bong). It starts with Afia (Nandita Das) and ends with Omar (in which Rahul Bose features). You could read it either ways too. Stars with a Bang and ends with a Bang (now the definition of it - wait till YOU watch it)
The journey of Afia from Kolkatta moves to Megha in Srinagar and then Abhimanyu residing in Bengaluru and finally Omar in Mumbai. And Suraj, Rubina, Natasha and Jai travel along with them in their journey. So, When the film is titled
I AM AFIA, MEGHA, ABHIMANYU, OMAR.. It can also be referred as I AM SURAJ, RUBINA, NATASHA, JAI... Because..
I AM BECAUSE OF YOU .. And the YOU are the other equally supporting characters on screen.
And Off Screen, I AM (Onir and Suri) BECAUSE OF YOU (Co-Producers/Co-owners/Investors/Audience).
Getting back to On Screen - The First Half are ruled by Women and the Second Half - the Men take over completely. (While writing this note.. my fingers go on to write the Review - But again.. the keyboard 'Delete' button takes over as my Inner soul does not permit me to write. And I am gonna end up with presenting a Showcase of the Film).
The Positive Side of the film is: Sensitive and Appreciable performances by everyone, excellent camera work by Arvind Kannabiran, songs to hum and to have it downloaded as your ring tone, Perfect Presentation by Onir - With the Collage of the Foursome identity films into One.
And the Negative Side of the film: Wish the film was going on for another few more extra 25 minutes. Onir, why did you drop out the Fifth Project
'Rudra'? Yeh Dil Maange More. Wish we could watch some more identity of I AM :)
Overall, the Film is worth every 'Penny'. It will shock you, it will give you goosebumps, it will bring a smile on your face and will shed a few tears down your face! And all those who have invested in the film through Facebook. All I can say to you is: KEEP SMILING, as I AM will make you PROUD. A film that will be treasured for years to come!
Onir definitely needs to be hugged, applauded, praised, rewarded, awarded and given a Standing Ovation at every show that it is been shown. If the multiplexes now start with Jana Gana Mana in the beginning (which forces us to Stand - as a respect to the Anthem), by default - We need to finally give a Standing Ovation for the Outstanding Film that Onir and Suri have jointly produced via Anticlock Films.
And I mean it!
For more Information about the Film: Visit: http://www.iamthefilms.com
Sundeep Malani
I AM proud to be one of the 'Assistant Directors' of
Abhimanyu and